
26 12, 2019

Don’t Ignore These Heart Attack Symptoms: They May be Subtle


Heart attacks don’t always look like they do in the movies: an older male clutching his chest or left arm, falling to the ground. For one thing, a person having a heart attack may well be a woman. Heart disease doesn’t discriminate: it is the leading cause of death [...]

Don’t Ignore These Heart Attack Symptoms: They May be Subtle2022-02-08T23:57:55+00:00
10 10, 2019

When is a Bloody Nose More Than a Bloody Nose?


The bloody nose holds a unique position in our cultural mind’s eye. It is a no-big-deal playground occurrence, but at the same time, it’s the telltale sign that the movie hero is soon to die of some horrible illness. With the dry air of winter on the way, you [...]

When is a Bloody Nose More Than a Bloody Nose?2022-02-08T23:57:55+00:00
25 04, 2019

Emergency Care, Urgent Care, Primary Care: Why Should You Care?


In medicine, there is a tendency to use complicated, two-dollar words when simple words would seem to do the trick. Hyperglycemia for high blood sugar? Enuresis for bed-wetting? Myocardial infarction for heart attack? And sometimes it seems like new names for old things are being invented every day. In [...]

Emergency Care, Urgent Care, Primary Care: Why Should You Care?2022-02-08T23:58:16+00:00
10 01, 2019

Make 2019 the Year You Get Your Healthcare in Order


There’s a new show on Netflix called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. If you watch even one episode, you’ll probably get inspired to clean out your closet or maybe even get your whole house in order. Based on a best-selling book, the show is about getting rid of things [...]

Make 2019 the Year You Get Your Healthcare in Order2022-02-09T00:00:02+00:00
13 07, 2017

From Ice Cream Headaches to Migraines


It’s National Ice Cream Month! What could be more perfect: the weather is warm, and Blue Bell has just released three new flavors. This means that we Texans are probably going to be experiencing an uptick in ice cream headaches. Though they can be agony for the few minutes [...]

From Ice Cream Headaches to Migraines2022-02-08T23:59:11+00:00
14 04, 2016

Can Texting Save Lives?


According to Nancy Lublin, it can and she has the data to prove it. In 2013 she launched Crisis Text Line, an anonymous, free texting service available to anyone in the United States. Aimed at teens, counselors are available 24/7 to text support for problems like bullying, rape, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, [...]

Can Texting Save Lives?2022-02-08T23:59:32+00:00
14 01, 2016

Concussions on Your Mind? Here’s What You Need to Know


Concussions are on our minds these days with the recent release of the Will Smith movie by the same name–Concussion. This month also happens to be National Winter Sports Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Awareness Month. So, what better time than now to give you a little primer on the [...]

Concussions on Your Mind? Here’s What You Need to Know2022-02-08T23:59:33+00:00
27 08, 2015

Are You Prepared for a Medical Emergency?


It’s an unfortunate fact that medical emergencies happen from time to time. Here in Greenville, TX, we have excellent emergency services, but that doesn’t make an emergency any more pleasant. One of the trickiest parts of an emergency is that you are often treated by a physician who doesn’t know [...]

Are You Prepared for a Medical Emergency?2022-02-08T23:59:34+00:00
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